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Land North of Cambridge North Station Public Inquiry


Appeal under Section 78 by Brookgate Land Limited on behalf of The Chesterton Partnership against refusal by South Cambridgeshire District Council of a Hybrid Planning Application (Ref. 22/02771/OUT) for a) An outline application (all matters reserved apart from access and landscaping) for the construction of: 3 new residential blocks providing for up to 425 residential units and providing flexible Class E and Class F uses on the ground floor (excluding Class E (g) (iii)), and 2 commercial buildings for Use Classes E(g) i(offices), ii (research and development) providing flexible Class E and Class F uses on the ground floor (excluding Class E (g) (iii)),together with the construction of basements for parking and building services, car and cycle parking and infrastructure works. b) A full application for the construction of 3 commercial buildings for Use Classes E(g) i (offices) ii (research and development), providing flexible Class E and Class F uses on the ground floor (excluding Class E (g) (iii)) with associated car and cycle parking, the construction of a multi storey car and cycle park building, together with the construction of basements for parking and building services, car and cycle parking and associated landscaping, infrastructure works and demolition of existing structures.

An inquiry will take place Tuesday 6 June 2023, for a period of up to 12 days, at Novotel Cambridge North, 2 Cambridge Square, Cambridge CB4 0AE


The Inquiry timetable [PDF, 0.1MB] is intended as a guide and is based on time estimates provided by the parties. In practice some topics may take less time than expected whilst others could take longer. In addition, unexpected issues sometimes arise and may necessitate changes to the timetable. The timetable will be reviewed throughout the Inquiry. The Inspector will endeavour to provide an updated position at the end of each day, however, if any party wishes to observe a particular part of the Inquiry they should check with us as to the progress.

Inquiry documents

Core documents