Cambridge sub-regional retail study (October 2008)
What is the Cambridge sub-regional retail study (October 2008)?
We have, jointly with Cambridge City Council, undertaken a retail study of the Cambridge Sub Region to inform retail planning in accordance with guidance set out in PPS6: Planning for Town Centres (March 2005). The study will form part of the evidence base for retail policies and allocations in future planning policy documents, and will allow each Council to make informed choices about the nature and extent of retail growth to be accommodated in the future.
Below is a copy of the study, available to download or view in pdf format.
- Cambridge Sub Region Retail Study (main report) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Plans:
- Appendix 1: Competing Centres [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Appendix 2: Cambridge City Centre Health Check [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Appendix 3: Cambridge City District and Local Centres Performas and Audits [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Appendix 4: South Cambridgeshire Major Rural Centres Performas and Audits [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Appendix 5: Capacity Projections: Convenience Goods [PDF, 72Kb]
- Appendix 6: Capacity Projections: Comparison Goods [PDF, 56Kb]
- Appendix 7: Household Telephone Interview Survey Results [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Appendix 8: Cambridge In-Centre Survey Results [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Appendix 9: GVA Grimley Letter to South Cambridgeshire District Council on the Northstowe Proposals [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Appendix 10: Northstowe Impact Assessment [PDF, 72Kb]
Since the publication of the Cambridge Sub Region Retail Study in October 2008, it has become apparent that the study contains a number of technical discrepancies. The revised sections of the study and a note explaining the changes are available below to download or view in pdf format:
- Summary of Changes [PDF, 49Kb]
- Revised Cambridge Sub Region Retail Study (main report) [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Revised Plans [PDF, 4MB]
- Revised Appendices [PDF, 0.2MB]
Alternatively, the Cambridge Sub Region Retail Study and Plans can be purchased at a cost of £50, while Appendices 1 to 10 can be purchased separately at a cost of £100.