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Advertisement consent

Many advertisements and signs do not require consent from the local planning authority, the government has produced a helpful guide to what is permitted without formal consent.

Please refer to the guide before applying for advertisement consent.

Guidance notes

What you need to submit

A completed form is required (one copy of all application documents must be supplied if submitted by post).

Complete every section of the application form before submitting. If parts aren't relevant please say so on the form.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement


When is it required?

A fee is needed, unless covered by an exemption.

GOV.UK: Fees for planning applications

To support you please use the Planning Portal fee calculator.

Use an up-to-date Ordnance Survey-based location plan at an appropriate scale, usually 1:1250 or 1:2500. In the case of large sites other scales may be appropriate.

The plan must show:

  • At least two named roads and all surrounding buildings or land (unless this would require a plan greater than a scale of 1:2500)
  • The application site (the whole planning unit)
  • A north compass point
  • The scale clearly identified

The plan used should:

  • Show OS Crown copyright  
  • Not to be copied from existing OS mapping, if using hand drawn maps such as standard streets
  • Show the correct licence number if you wish to print or copy maps for applications Ordnance Survey Licensing

The site boundary must be edged clearly with a red line. It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development - for example, land needed for access to the site from a public highway, visibility displays, landscape, car parking and open areas around the building. A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant, close to or adjoining the application site.

When is it required?

One may be required if:

  • the proposed development involves the demolition of any existing structures
  • there are trees on site that may be affected by the proposed development.

What is needed

Existing site layout plans for a recognised scale (1:100, 1:200 or 1:500 as appropriate) should show:

  • a north compass point
  • a scale bar or metric measurements;

In addition, the Site Layout Plan should show the following unless they're not affected by the proposed development:

  • all the buildings, roads and footpaths on land next to the site including access
  • all public rights of way crossing or next to the site, the position of all trees on the site, and those on the land next to it
  • how much and type of any hard surfacing 
  • boundaries, including walls or fencing
  • existing car parking and turning spaces 
  • any existing bin and cycle stores. 

Please make sure all plans submitted with your application are accurately labelled and numbered. 

Is it required?

It is always required

What is required?

  • detailed drawings showing the existing elevations (the appearance of the property from all sides affected by the proposal) to an appropriate scale, usually 1:100 and with a scale bar or metric measurements included.
  • drawings must show the complete building, partial drawings are not acceptable.

Please ensure that all plans submitted as part of your application are accurately labelled and numbered.

Source, policies and references 

National validation requirement

Is it required?

It is always required

What is needed

  • Detailed drawings showing the proposed elevations (showing the proposal against existing building from all sides) to an appropriate scale, usually 1:100 and with a scale bar or metric measurements included.
  • Drawings must show the complete building, partial drawings are not acceptable.

Please ensure that all plans submitted as part of your application are accurately labelled and numbered.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement

Always needed

What is needed

Advertisement drawing(s) (e.g. at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 with a scale bar shown) showing advertisement size, siting, materials and colours to be used, height above ground, how far it sticks out and details of the method and colour(s) of illumination (if applicable).