Local Plan Examination: Letters to and from the Inspector
An overview of the examination process is available on the Examination homepage.
Post Submission Correspondence with the Inspector
The list shows the correspondence between the Inspector and Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council since the submission of their Local Plans on 28 March 2014.
For each letter the Reference Document Library Number and Author is provided.
rd/gen/560: [PDF, 0.3MB]Formal Confirmation By The Inspectors of the Schedule of Main Modifications for Consultation (20 December 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council
rd/gen/550: [PDF, 0.4MB]Further Working Correspondence with Programme Officer regarding Main Modifications (5 Year Housing Land Supply) (20 December 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council
rd/gen/540: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from the Inspectors to the Councils regarding Main Modifications (15 November 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/530: [PDF, 1MB]Working Correspondence with Programme Officer regarding Main Modifications - South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council
- rd/gen/520: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to the Inspectors from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Policy NH/12: Local Green Space (30 August 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/510: [PDF, 1MB]Letter to the Inspectors from the Councils regarding Proposed Modifications to Monitoring Indicators (31 July 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council
- rd/gen/500: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to the Inspectors from Cambridge City Council regarding Proposed Modifications to Policies 78 & 79 (Hotels) of the Cambridge Local Plan (24 July 2017) - Cambridge City Council
- rd/gen/490: L [PDF, 62Kb]etter from the Inspectors to South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (3 May 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/480: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter to the Inspectors from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (3 May 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/470: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter from the Inspectors to South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (24 April 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/460: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from the Inspectors to Cambridge City Council regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (24 April 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/450: [PDF, 0.5MB]Letter from Cambridge City Council to the Inspectors regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (10 April 2017)
Cambridge City Council
- rd/gen/440: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from South Cambridgeshire District Council to the Inspectors regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (10 April 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/430: [PDF, 0.7MB]Letter from the Inspectors to the Councils regarding Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (30 March 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/420: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter from the Inspectors to South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Policy NH/12: Local Green Space (16 March 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/410: [PDF, 7MB]Letter to the Inspectors from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Policy H/9: Affordable Housing (15 March 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/400: [PDF, 0.7MB]Letter to the Inspectors from Cambridge City Council regarding further evidence base work and further proposed modifications concerning student accommodation, Gypsies and Travellers, and accessible homes (27 February 2017) - Cambridge City Council
- rd/gen/390: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from the Inspectors to South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Policy H/9: Affordable Housing (19 January 2017) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/380: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to Inspectors from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding update on Cambourne West and Bourn Airfield New Village (13 January 2017) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/370: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter from the Inspectors to South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Proposed Modifications (19 December 2016) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/ [PDF, 0.2MB]gen/360: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to Inspectors from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding update on schedule of work (30 November 2016) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/350: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter to Inspectors from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding update on schedule of work (3 November 2016) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd.gen/340: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter to Programme Officer from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding work programme update (23 September 2016) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/330: [PDF, 66Kb]Letter to Programme Officer from Cambridge City Council regarding work programme update (16 September 2016) - Cambridge City Council
- rd/gen/320: [PDF, 57Kb]Letter from the Inspectors to the Councils regarding work programme update (7 September 2016) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/310: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from the Inspectors to Cambridge City Council regarding Cambridge Local Plan Modifications (26 July 2016) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/300: [PDF, 0.2MB] Letter from South Cambridgeshire District Council to the Inspectors re-targeted consultation with landowners of Local Green Spaces (5 July 2016) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/290: [PDF, 44Kb]Letter from the inspectors to the Councils regarding Objectively Assessed Housing Need and a Statement of Common Ground (29 March 2016) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/280: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter from South Cambridgeshire District Council to the Inspectors regarding provisional modification to allocate land south of Cambridge Biomedical Campus - (31 March 2016) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/270: [PDF, 0.3MB]Letter from Cambridge City Council to the Inspectors regarding student accommodation - (31 March 2016)
Cambridge City Council - rd/gen/260: [PDF, 0.3MB]Letter from the Councils to the Inspectors regarding Proposed Modifications - (31 March 2016) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/250: [PDF, 69Kb]Letter from the Programme Officer relating to the full objectively assessed need for housing and further representations - 9 (October 2015) - Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/240: [PDF, 0.5MB]Letter to the Inspectors from the Councils regarding Progress and Overall Timetable - (28 September 2015) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/230: [PDF, 75Kb]Letter from the Inspector to the Councils regarding Joint Housing Trajectory and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Examinations - (10 September 2015) - Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/220: Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Joint Housing Trajectory and CIL Examinations – (1 September 2015) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/210: [PDF, 70Kb]Letter from the Inspectors to the Councils regarding (CIL) Examinations – (18 August 2015) - Planning Inspectorate
- rd/gen/200: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from the Inspectors to the Councils regarding Preliminary Conclusions, Joint Housing Trajectory and Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment - (28 July 2015) - Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/190: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Joint Housing Trajectory and Gypsy and Traveller Needs Assessment –(30 June 2015) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/180: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Preliminary Conclusions – (30 June 2015) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/170: [PDF, 0.1MB]Letter from the Inspectors to the Councils regarding Preliminary Conclusions - (20 May 2015) - Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/160: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Site Specific Delivery - (23 March 2015) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/140: Letter to the Inspector from Cambridge City Council regarding Modifications Request (section 20(7)) - (3 November 2014) - Cambridge City Council
rd/gen/130: Letter to the Inspector from South Cambridgeshire District Council regarding Modifications Request (section 20(7)) - (3 November 2014) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/120: [PDF, 54Kb] Letter from the Inspector to the Council regarding interim report - (2 October 2014) - [PDF, 54Kb]Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/100: [PDF, 65Kb]Letter from the Inspector to the Councils regarding Programming - (1 September 2014) - Planning Inspectorate
rd/gen/090: [PDF, 0.2MB]Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Programming - (22 August 2014) - Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
rd/gen/081: [PDF, 1.5MB]Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Supplementary Planning Documents - (23 February 2015) -Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/080: Letter to the Inspector from the Councils regarding Supplementary Planning Documents - (11 August 2014) -Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council
- rd/gen/070: [PDF, 44Kb]Letter from the Inspector to the Councils regarding Supplementary Planning Documents - (24 July 2014) -Planning Inspectorate