Employment Land Review
What is the Employment Land Review?
The Planning Policy and Localism Portfolio Holder agreed the publication of the Employment Land Review Update on 3 July 2012.
The Employment Land Review Update 2012 reconsiders and updates the findings from the Employment Land Review 2008 to focus on the period 2011 to 2031 and also reviews the existing Selective Management of Employment policies in the Cambridge area. The study was carried out by SQW and Savills on behalf of us and Cambridge City Council.
The study observes that there is currently sufficient overall provision across Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire. However, the forecasts suggest there is likely to be a shortage of office space, particularly focused on two areas of pressure: the city centre, and the northern fringe around Cambridge Science Park. Based on the available evidence, the study suggests some changes to the selective management of employment policies.
The Employment Land Review (July 2012) and its appendices can be downloaded:
Employment Land Review Update and Review of Selective Management of Employment Policies.
Warwick Business Management Limited on behalf of us and Cambridge City Council undertook an employment land review (published in July 2008) to provide an evidence base for employment land policies and allocations in future planning policy documents.
The Employment Land Review 2008 is available to download: