Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan
View information for all neighbourhoods on our neighbourhood plans page.
Current stage
The Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan was made on 20 May 2021 after a successful referendum which took place on 6 May 2021: The Histon & Impington (made) Neighbourhood Plan 20 May 2021 [PDF, 11MB]
The Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
Key dates
- Neighbourhood area designated by us: 9 September 2014
- Pre-submission public consultation (Regulation 14): 1 October to 16 November 2018
- Neighbourhood Plan submitted to us: 3 June 2019
- Submission public consultation (Regulation 16): 19 June 2019 to 31 July 2019
- Neighbourhood Plan sent for examination: 2 August 2019
- Examiner's Report on Neighbourhood Plan received: 9 March 2020
- Referendum: 6 May 2021
- Neighbourhood Plan made: 20 May 2021
Neighbourhood area designated
On 9 September 2014 the Planning Portfolio Holder gave delegated authority to officers to designate the 'Histon and Impington neighbourhood area' assuming there were no objections at the close of the consultation on Friday 12 September 2014. There were no objections.
- Application to designate Histon and Impington neighbourhood area [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Histon and Impington neighbourhood area map [PDF, 0.3MB]
Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement
We, along with Histon and Impington Parish Council, have prepared a Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement for the draft Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan:
Pre-Submission public consultation (Regulation 14)
Histon and Impington Parish Council carried out its pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan between 1 October and 16 November 2018.
Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16)
Histon and Impington Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to us on 3 June 2019, along with its supporting documents. We have confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan complies with all the relevant statutory requirements.
We sought your views on the Neighbourhood Plan before it is considered by an examiner, and can proceed towards a referendum.
The consultation ran from 9am on Wednesday 19 June and 5pm on Wednesday 31 July 2019.
Neighbourhood Plan (NP) and supporting documents
- Histon and Impington (HI) Neighbourhood Plan (May 2019) [PDF, 14.5MB]
- Basic Conditions Statement [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Consultation Statement [PDF, 2MB]
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement for Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan (October 2018) [PDF, 1MB]
- Big Survey – Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Report [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Big Survey Data Histon and Impington NP survey data [XLSX, 0.9MB]
- HI NP Equalities Impact Assessment May 2019 [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Infant school dossier – HI NP 2019 Village Design Guide [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Village Design Guide
Interesting Buildings
- Interesting Buildings 1 – Introduction to Neighbourhood Plan Buildings of Interest Report [PDF, 94Kb]
- Interesting Buildings 2 – The List [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Interesting Buildings that should be listed [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Interesting Buildings – Histon [PDF, 3.5MB]
- Interesting Buildings – Impington [PDF, 2MB]
Neighbourhood Plan Open Space General
- NP Local Green space HI framework v2 [PDF, 0.2MB]
- NP Open Space sites Summary V5 Spreadsheet [XLSX, 46Kb]
- NP Open Space spreadsheet [XLSX, 46Kb]
- Green Spaces Wellbeing Poster [JPG, 3.5MB]
- Celebrating our Green Spaces – HI Sustainability [JPG, 0.5MB]
- A14 highway section 5 Landscape Plan [PDF, 35MB]
V3 Greenleas Community Space
V4 Northern Buxhall Farm
- Buxhall wildlife photos for LGS 030619 [PDF, 3MB]
- Buxhall Farm map 23_7_2008 DSC_0013-27 [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Buxhall quotes [PDF, 0.1MB]
- Map of North Buxhall and PX Farms etc [PDF, 0.3MB]
- NP Northern Buxhall Farm v.2 [PDF, 0.3MB]
V5 Rowleys Field Long Meadow
- Rowleys and Croft Close photos V5/1-11
- V5/1 Abbey Farm, Histon Manor [JPG, 9.5MB]
- V5/2 Croft Close Field [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V5/3 Croft Close Field 2 [JPG, 9MB]
- V5/4 Croft Close Field with veteran Oak [JPG, 9.5MB]
- V5/5 Horse Chestnut field 2 [JPG, 9MB]
- V5/6 Horse Chestnut field 3 [JPG, 9MB]
- V5/7 Horse Chestnut field [JPG, 9MB]
- V5/8 IMG_5910 [JPG, 13MB]
- V5/9 IMG_5916 [JPG, 13MB]
- V5/10 Rowley's Field [JPG, 9MB]
- V5/11 Veteran Oak [JPG, 8.5MB]
- NP Rowley's Field LGS-INH plus Croft Close INH v2 [PDF, 0.4MB]
- V5 Rowley's Field and Croft Close set-aside map [PDF, 0.4MB]
V6 St Audreys Close
- 190430 Location of St Audreys Close v1 [PDF, 0.6MB]
- NP St Audreys Close v.2.1 [PDF, 0.3MB]
- St Audreys Close photos v1 [PDF, 0.4MB]
- V12 Manor Park Field and Histon Wood [PDF, 0.4MB]
Histon Wood Photos V12/ 1-11
- V12/1 Bioblitz 1 [JPG, 3.5MB]
- V12/2 Bioblitz 2 [PNG, 13.5MB]
- V12/3 Bioblitz 3 [JPG, 3MB]
- V12/4 Bioblitz 4 [PNG, 12.5MB]
- V12/5 Bioblitz 5 [PNG, 11.5MB]
- V12/6 Interpretive board, Histon Wood [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V12/7 Sign near entrance of Histon Wood [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V12/8 South west edge of Histon Wood [JPG, 9MB]
- V12/9 Track between Histon Wood and paddock [JPG, 9.5MB]
- V12/10 Track by paddock, Histon Wood edge mid-right [JPG, 9MB]
- V12/11 Waymark, Histon Wood [JPG, 8.5MB]
Manor Park Field Photos V12/12-14
- V12/12 Hedge between Manor Park Field and Factory Scrub [JPG, 9.5MB]
- V12/13 Manor Park Field, Scrub Triangle mid-distant, Histon Wood left-distant [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V12/14 Orchard, Manor Park Field, Histon Wood at rear [JPG, 9MB]
Near Manor Park Field Photos V12/15-20
- V12/15 Factory Scrub 2 [JPG, 9.5MB]
- V12/16 Factory Scrub [JPG, 9MB]
- V12/17 Paddocks, guided busway to right [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V12/18 Paddocks [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V12/19 Scrub Triangle and guided busway [JPG, 9MB]
- V12/20 Scrub Triangle [JPG, 9.5MB]
- V12 St Audreys Close Woodland [JPG, 9MB]
- 140717 Cambridge Natural History Society Field Study of Histon and Impington Community Orchard [XLSX, 17Kb]
- 180929 Location of Histon and Impington Manor Park Field and Histon Wood v2(1) [PDF, 0.6MB]
- HI Community Orchard Survey 2012 v1 [PDF, 68Kb]
- Mini Bioblitz Species List Histon Woods 11 May 2019 [XLSX, 8Kb]
- NP Manor Park Field - Histon Wood v.2 [PDF, 0.3MB]
V13 Girton Wood
- Girton Wood Photos V13/1-2
- Girton wood photos v1 [PDF, 3.5MB]
- NP Girton wood v2 [PDF, 0.5MB]
- 190514 Location of Girton woods plus NE hedge v1 [PDF, 0.4MB]
V14 Infant School Field
V16 Homefield Park
- Homefield photos V16/ 1-6
- V16/1 IMG_4616 [JPG, 15.5MB]
- V16/2 IMG_4623 [JPG, 14.5MB]
- V16/3 IMG_6667 [JPG, 13.5MB]
- V16/4 IMG_6679 [JPG, 14MB]
- V16/5 IMG_6681 [JPG, 14MB]
- V16/6 IMG_6685 [JPG, 14.5MB]
V18 Clay Close Lane Pocket Park
- V18 Cay Close photos V18/1-3
- V18/1 Clay Close wellbeing activity 1 [PNG, 6MB]
- V18/2 Clay Close wellbeing activity 2 [PNG, 6.5MB]
- V18/3 Clay Close wellbeing activity 3 [JPG, 0.8MB]
- V18 Impington connectivity Clay Close to Feldsted busway [PNG, 3MB]
- Clay Close Lane Pocket Park location [PDF, 0.5MB]
- V18 NP Clay Close Pocket Park v2 [PDF, 0.3MB]
V19 Doctor’s Close
V22 Crossing Keepers Copse
- V22 Crossing Keepers Copse photos V22/ 1- 5
- V22/1 IMG_6162 [JPG, 9MB]
- V22/2 IMG_6175 [JPG, 11MB]
- V22/3 IMG_6190 [JPG, 8.5MB]
- V22/4 IMG_6197 [JPG, 8MB]
- V22/5 IMG_6219 [JPG, 9MB]
- V22 Crossing Keeper's Copse image wide [PNG, 2MB]
- V22 Crossing Keepers Copse v2 [PDF, 0.3MB]
V24 South Road Playground
- V24 South Road photos V24/1- 4
South Road Survey
- V24 South Road Rec Questionnaire Survey Results [PDF, 95Kb]
- V24 South Road Rec Survey Results Spread Sheet [XLSX, 92Kb]
- V24 Map of South Road Rec and Playground [PDF, 0.5MB]
- NP South Road Rec v.2 [PDF, 0.4MB]
V26 Impington Coppice
- Impington Coppice photos V26/1-9
- V26/1 IMG_2776 [JPG, 6MB]
- V26/2 IMG_2777 [JPG, 5.5MB]
- V26/3 IMG_2781 [JPG, 3.5MB]
- V26/4 IMG_2796 [JPG, 4.5MB]
- V26/5 IMG_2813 [JPG, 4.5MB]
- V26/6 IMG_2870 [JPG, 5MB]
- V26/7 IMG_2872 [JPG, 4.5MB]
- V26/8 IMG_2873 [JPG, 4.5MB]
- V26/9 IMG_6227 [JPG, 7.5MB]
V28 and V29 Western and Central Woodland of Feldsted Farm
V33 and V27 Cawcutts and Adjacent Fields and Fields North
- Cawcutts Lake and /fields north photos V33/ 1-6
- V33/1 Cawcutts Fields north [PNG, 2.5MB]
- V33/2 Cawcutts LGS Lake 2 [JPG, 0.4MB]
- V33/3 Cawcutts LGS lake [JPG, 3.5MB]
- V33/4 Cawcutts LGS paddock - The Coppice [JPG, 12MB]
- V33/5 Cawcutts LGS paddock and copse [JPG, 7.5MB]
- V33/6 Cawcutts LGS paddock and copse [JPG, 12MB]
- Cawcutt's Lake site google map [PDF, 1MB]
- Field north of Cawcutts – close [PDF, 0.7MB]
- Field north of Cawcutts - wide enhanced [PDF, 1MB]
- Field north of Cawcutts - wide [PDF, 0.8MB]
- V33 NP Cawcutt’s Lake LGS v1 [PDF, 0.3MB]
Examination (Regulation 17)
The Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for examination on the 2 August 2019. The independent examiner appointed to carry out the examination is Bob Yuille.- Examiner’s Clarification Note (14 August 2019) [PDF, 0.4MB] - the examiner in this note is asking for clarification on several initial procedural matters. Also, he has included a number of preliminary questions for South Cambridgeshire District Council and Histon and Impington Parish Council.
- Histon and Impington Parish Council response (4 October 2019) [PDF, 0.3MB] to Examiner’s Clarification Note
- Our response (7 October 2019) [PDF, 0.1MB] to Examiner’s Clarification Note
- Statement of Common Ground (7 October 2019) [PDF, 8MB]between South Cambridgeshire District Council and Histon and Impington Parish Council requested by the Examiner
- Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan Examination Correspondence (21 October 2019) [PDF, 0.3MB] - Letter sent to the examiner regarding Policy HIM08 The Jam Factory, with McCarthy and Stone Histon Jam Factory Brief [PDF, 3.5MB]
- Examiner's Further Clarification Letter (24 October 2019) [PDF, 0.2MB] - the examiner is asking us and Histon and Impington Parish Council further questions having received the Statement of Common Ground
- Histon and Impington Parish Council response [PDF, 0.3MB] to Examiner’s Clarification Questions (5 November 2019)
- South Cambridgeshire District Council's response [PDF, 0.1MB] to Examiner’s Clarification Questions (5 November 2019)
- Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan – Further correspondence with the examiner [PDF, 0.3MB]– Letter sent to the examiner regarding Policy HIM08 The Jam Factory (26 November 2019)
- Ecology survey for land off Home Close, Histon [PDF, 18.5MB] sent to the examiner (26 November 2019)
- Planning permissions relating to Jam Factory site in Histon [PDF, 0.4MB] sent to the examiner (26 November 2019)
- Further correspondence with the examiner [PDF, 0.5MB] regarding Policy HIM08 The Jam Factory (2 December 2019)
- Examiner’s Further Clarification Letter (13 December 2019) [PDF, 0.2MB] – The examiner is asking Histon & Impington Parish Council a further question about Protected Village Amenity Areas.
- Histon and Impington Parish Council's response [PDF, 0.3MB] to the question about Protected Village Amenity Areas (13 January 2020)
- Histon and Impington Parish Council’s response [PDF, 0.4MB] to correspondence with the examiner regarding Policy HIM08 (27 February 2020)
The examiner’s report on the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan was received by South Cambridgeshire District Council on 9 March 2020.
- Final Examiner’s Report [PDF, 0.5MB] (9 March 2020)
- Appendix to the Examiner’s Report [PDF, 0.3MB] setting out the modifications proposed by the examiner.
Post Examination
We have, along with Histon and Impington Parish Council, agreed that the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions tests and therefore should proceed to a referendum when permitted by national regulations.
Our decision statement that the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to referendum is in the following report.
Guidance published by central government in April 2020 indicates that no neighbourhood plan referendums can take place before May 2021 and therefore the referendum on this Plan will be delayed until this time.
As a result of the Examiner’s Report additional evidence base documents have been created to provide background to the Plan:
- Housing Mix in Histon and Impington [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Important Natural Habitats and Ecological Connectivity [PDF, 0.8MB]
The referendum for the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan took place on 6 May 2021.
The following documents are those specified in the Referendum Information Statement [PDF, 0.2MB]:
- The 'For Referendum' version of the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 11MB](including a map of the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan area)
- The Examiners Report on the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Appendix to the Examiners Report on the Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 1.5MB]
- The written representations on the submission version of the Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan, that were submitted to the independent examiner. Written representations part 1 [PDF, 5.5MB], written representations part 2 [PDF, 9MB], written representations part 3 [PDF, 9MB] and written representations part 4 [PDF, 9MB].
- Our decision statement on the receipt of the Examiner's Report and its decision to proceed to referendum (June 2020) (including a statement of satisfaction that the 'For Referendum' version of the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions and is legally compliant)
- A statement that sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum
Making of the Neighbourhood Plan
The Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan was made on 20 May 2021.
The Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
- Histon and Impington Neighbourhood Plan (made 20 May 2021) [PDF, 11MB]
- Made (adopted) Decision Statement (20 May 2021) [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Decision report from Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development recommending that Council 'make' (adopt) the Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan (10 May 2021)
- Council report considering the 'making' (adoption) of the Histon & Impington Neighbourhood Plan (20 May 2021)