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Great Abington former Land Settlement Association Estate Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed on The Abingtons website.

Current stage

The Great Abington Former Land Settlement Association (LSA) Estate Neighbourhood Plan was made on 21 February 2019: Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan (made 21 February 2019) [PDF, 5.5MB]and Errata. [PDF, 3MB]

The Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in that area will need to be made in line with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 

Neighbourhood area designated

The Great Abington former LSA Estate neighbourhood area was designated on 5 September 2016

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement

We, along with Great Abington Parish Council, have prepared a Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement.

Pre-submission public consultation (Regulation 14) 

Great Abington Parish Council undertook consultation on their pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan between 24 July and 18 September 2017.

Submission public consultation (Regulation 16)

Great Abington Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan for the former Land Settlement Association estate to us on 22 February 2018, along with its supporting documents. The Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 0.2MB] complies with all the relevant statutory requirements.

South Cambridgeshire District Council did a public consultation on the submission version of the Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan.

Comments made during submission consultation are available to view collectively as Representations on the submission version of the Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 14MB].

Examination (Regulation 17) 

The Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for examination on 30 May 2018.


The referendum on the Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan was on 13 December 2018.

The Referendum Information Statement refers to specified documents, these are:

Making of the Neighbourhood Plan

The Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan was made on 21 February 2019.

The Great Abington Former LSA Estate Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in this area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.