Affordable housing SPD
Affordable Housing SPD - adopted March 2010 [PDF, 0.7MB]
This SPD was adopted by us to provide guidance to support previously adopted Development Plan Documents that have now been superseded by the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018. This document is still a material consideration when making planning decisions, with the weight in decision making to be determined having regard to consistency with national planning guidance and the adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018.
What are SPDs?
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are intended to expand upon policy or provide further detail to policies in adopted Development Plan Documents (DPDs).
When adopted, SPDs form part of the Local Development Framework but do not have development plan status and are not subject to independent examination.
What is the Affordable Housing SPD?
The Affordable Housing SPD expands on district-wide affordable housing policies included in the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (DPD).
These policies seek to secure the provision of an appropriate level, mix and size of affordable housing, including on rural exceptions sites, so that new housing developments planned in the district address the identified housing needs of all parts of the community.
It provides guidance to applicants and agents preparing development proposals to ensure the affordable housing proposed meets desirable standards at an affordable price to benefit all potential future occupiers.
The Affordable Housing SPD also builds on national policy: Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing and Circular 05/05: Planning Obligations, which seek to provide a balanced and fair approach to the creation of mixed and balanced communities.
We adopted the Affordable Housing SPD on 2 March 2010.
Adoption of the Affordable Housing SPD
We carried out consultations in January and February 2014 on proposals to amend the wording of the Mortgagee in Possession Clauses of its Affordable Housing SPD to include them as standard practice and extend their use to Rural Exception Sites.
The partial review of the SPD will now not be pursued. The issue will be incorporated in a comprehensive review of the Affordable Housing SPD in parallel with the final stages of the new Local Plan in order to have an up to date SPD ready for adoption alongside the new Local Plan.
Adoption Documents
- Adoption Statement [PDF, 27Kb]
- Statement of Consultation
- Sustainability Appraisal Statement
- Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement [PDF, 51Kb]
- Habitats Regulations Assessment Statement
- Equality Impact Assessment
If you would like more information on SPD, please e-mail Planning Policy on, or phone 01954 713 183.