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Electoral registration FAQs

This page contains some of the questions we are asked most frequently about Elections and Electoral Registration. Click on the question below to show the answer.


If you have received a single A4 form and all the details are correct you do not need to do anything.

If the information needs amending please follow the instructions on the form to change this online.

If you have received an A3 form a response is required to either confirm the information is correct or to amend the details.

You can choose to vote by post or by proxy. Find out more on our voting by post or proxy webpage.

You can register online at's website. Or to request a paper application please email 

Poll cards do not always arrive together, but it would be best to check that you are on the Electoral Register by calling 01954 713 000.

Even if you have registered to pay council tax or receive other council services, you may still need to register to vote. This will especially be the case if you have recently moved house.

It will almost certainly be much harder to obtain credit if you are not on the Electoral Register.

The Full Register

This has the names and addresses of everyone registered to vote and is updated every month. Anyone can look at it at the Council's office, but copies can only be supplied for certain purposes, such as elections and law enforcement. Credit reference agencies are also allowed to use the Full Register, but only to check your name and address if you are applying for credit, and to help stop 'money laundering'. Anyone who has a copy of the Register will be committing a criminal offence if they unlawfully pass on information from it.

The Open Register

This is available for general sale and can be used for any purpose. You can choose not to be on it. It will be kept separate from the Full Register and updated every month. The Open Register can be bought by any person, company or organisation and could be used for different purposes such as checking your identity and commercial activities such as marketing.

Should you "Opt Out" of the Open Register?

If you do tick the "opt out" box when registering, your name and address will only appear on the Full Register. If you do not tick the box, your name will also appear on the open version of the Register, which anyone can buy. This means anyone can use your details for any purpose. To opt out once already registered you can email 

The Electoral Register is not available to view online. 

A paper copy of the Electoral Register can be inspected in person at the Council's offices in Cambourne.

You will need to supply evidence of the name change. You can email us at or call us on 01954 713 000.

Alternatively you can register online again using your new details. 

To opt out please email with your full name and address.

If you have moved house you will need to submit a new application to register to vote for that address. This can be done online via  

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