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Northstowe Community Activation Fund

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The Community Activation Fund gives financial support to voluntary and community sector groups, charities and public sector bodies who want to further improve quality of life in Northstowe. 

The project must directly benefit Northstowe residents, contribute to community vibrancy and enable opportunities for participation.

Apply online for the Northstowe community activation fund

If you would like to discuss your potential application or need support completing the application form please email our Community Development Officers.

Applying for the fund 

Application criteria

To apply for the Northstowe Community Activation fund, you must be one of the following:

  • a non-profit group or organisation (including Community Interest Companies, CIC) based in Northstowe or benefiting Northstowe residents
  • a public sector body with a community focus that can be clearly demonstrated (individuals and businesses are not eligible)
  • a Parish or Town Council

In addition to the above, you must also:

  • have a written constitution or mission statement
  • have an elected committee or representative steering group
  • be able to provide an up-to-date copy of their accounts and any relevant protection policies

If your organisation does not have a written constitution, mission statement and/or relevant protection policies please contact Cambridge Council Voluntary Service for advice in meeting these requirements.

Please call 01223 464696 or email

The Community Activation fund is open year-round. Groups can apply at any time during the financial year until the funding is fully allocated for that period.

Documents to support your application

The following evidence is required to support your application:

  • A copy of your organisation’s constitution or mission statement
  • A copy of your latest accounts (audited if available)
  • Comparative quotes for the community activity or project
  • A copy of your safeguarding policy
  • A bank statement for the account you wish the funds to be paid into - this statement must be dated within the last month

In addition, the following will be required if relevant to the project:

  • Appropriate protection policies - children, young people, vulnerable adults
  • Public liability insurance documentation
  • Public Rights of Way or other land use consents from the landowner
  • Any other relevant material that would support your application

If you have questions about these criteria, please contact us

Types of projects 

What can be funded

The activity or project should relate to one or more of both the primary and secondary criteria.

Primary Criteria

The project proposal must address one or more of the following issues, which relate to quality of life in Northstowe:

  • Launch events to promote use of Community Facilities
  • Improved access to arts and cultural activities at Northstowe
  • Initiatives to improve the health and wellbeing of Northstowe’s residents
  • Improved access to Education, Employment and Skills for Northstowe’s residents
  • Transport and accessibility to local facilities and services from and within Northstowe
  • Environmental sustainability and minimisation of waste within the Northstowe community

Secondary Criteria

The project must deliver one or more of the following:

  • The project will enhance the vibrancy and character of Northstowe, contributing to the creation of a successful place
  • The project will support community events which will attract people to Northstowe (both residents and visitors)
  • The project will support increased awareness of Northstowe and contribute towards positive public perception of the town
  • The project will support community togetherness in Northstowe

What cannot be funded

The following projects cannot be funded:

  • Projects that require on-going revenue costs or overheads (e.g. salaries, rent, advertising, promotional materials)
  • Projects that replace funding by other public sector bodies, including parish or town councils
  • Items that would only benefit ‘individuals’ and not the wider public (e.g. sports kits)
  • Projects that have previously received Community Activation funding in the same financial year or would qualify for other funding specifically made available to support community development at Northstowe

Funding conditions 

Groups that are awarded a grant will be expected to comply with the following conditions as a minimum:

  • Funding must only be used for the agreed purpose and spent within 12-months of the award being made (unless otherwise agreed in writing)
  • Any publicity must acknowledge the award provided, indicating that the funds were provided by Homes England and administered by South Cambridgeshire District Council
  • Unused grant must be returned to South Cambridgeshire District Council
  • An end of project evaluation must be submitted to South Cambridgeshire District Council within 3-months of project completion
  • For biodiversity projects: the project must deliver a sustainable increase in local biodiversity, known as Biodiversity Net Gain. An increase means that you should be able to demonstrate positive change in biodiversity from pre-project conditions (for example, number of trees, number of square metres of land either created or improved). Sustainability means that it should persist over time and not be a temporary change.

Any award will not be means tested but applicants will be expected to have sought other means of local funding, especially from the town or parish council who may have funds available through planning developments (S106) or through its precept (S137).

Amount of funding received

The maximum award is £10,000 in any single financial year (April-March) and can be for up to 100% of project costs. It is anticipated that up to £20,000 per annum will be made available through this fund.

If there is high demand for funding, it may mean that the Community Activation Fund is only able to contribute to your project. The Council reserves the right to prioritise based on funding available, number and type of applications received at any given time, priorities for the financial year and value for money.

Eligibility does not guarantee grant funding.

Grant payment 

If successful, the applicant will receive the grant payment once we have received acknowledgement of the grant offer and acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Environmental impact

Applications to the Community Activation fund to renovate or purchase items that include an internal combustion engine, for example an engine that burns fossil fuel (including accessories), will not normally be considered.

For such an application to be considered evidence must be provided to demonstrate why an electric option is not being considered. Such evidence should include market research demonstrating that a similar electrically powered option is not within price range, or that due to technical differences such a unit would not be fit for purpose.

The funding for the Community Activation Fund has been provided by master developer, Homes England, and will be administrated by South Cambridgeshire District Council on its behalf.