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Community Forums

Map of South Cambridgeshire Community Forums [JPG, 1MB]

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Community forums are for new neighbourhoods arising from growth in South Cambridgeshire. These bring residents, councils and developers together to raise issues and discuss how the developments are moving forward.


The forums are open to all and meet up to 4 times a year. Various formats are used, including: informal drop-in sessions, formal meetings with presentations and Microsoft Teams hosted online events. 

Each meeting has an individual webpage where you can find agendas, confirm meeting dates, register for the contact list, and more. These are listed below and include City-edge developments which are shared with the City Council:   

Joint meetings delivered in partnership with the City Council:  

Schedule of forums for 2024

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Rounds Northstowe  North East Cambridge Cambridge East Waterbeach  North West and West Cambridge  Bourn Airfield and Cambourne Forum 
Round 1 24 January - - - - -
Round 2 8 May 28 February  6 March 20 March  13 February 13 March
Round 3 11 September  17 July  9 July  10 July 13 June 26 June 
Round 4 4 December 13 November  6 November 23 October 17 October 9 October (postponed, date TBC)

Format and frequency of meetings are likely to change, subject to local conditions and progress on each site. Always check individual webpages for confirmation of dates and format. 

Other ways to get involved