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The South Cambs magazine

Summer 2024

Delivery of the summer 2024 edition of South Cambs Magazine was delayed because of guidelines around Council publicity ahead of an election. However, the magazine had already been printed and that is why the closing date in the magazine is Friday 5 July. Please rest assured we are accepting entries into the competition until 5pm on Friday 2 August. 

Read the summer edition of the South Cambs magazine [PDF, 10.5MB].

Read the summer edition of the South Cambs magazine (plain text version). [PDF, 3.5MB]

For large print copies of the magazine, please contact the Communications team.

If you receive a large print copy of the magazine but no longer want to receive this, please contact the Communications team.


Each household in South Cambridgeshire receives a paper copy of the quarterly South Cambs Magazine. You can see below the delivery window for each issue.


Spring: 26 February to 9 March 

Summer: New delivery dates are from Monday 8 July to Saturday 20 July

Autumn: 26 August to 7 September

Winter: 25 November to 7 December

Who to contact if you have not received your magazine

Smart Distribution


Telephone number: 0800 6444 011

Editorial enquiries

Letters to the Editor should be directed to:

Editor: Tom Horn

Editorial: Tom Horn, Kath Sansom, Chris James, Jessica Lydon and Megan Jerome.


Telephone number: 01954 713 000