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Our Business Plan

Our business plan promises

Read our 2024 to 2025 Business Plan actions. [PDF, 0.6MB]

Putting the heart into South Cambridgeshire by

We will support businesses of all sizes, including rural enterprise and farming, to help create new jobs and opportunities near to where people live and support the local economy to recover post-pandemic.

We will build vibrant communities in locations where people have good access to facilities and transport links, so they can genuinely afford to lead a happy and healthy life.

We will create a cleaner, greener and zero-carbon future for our communities.

We will provide our customers with high-quality services, strive to reduce costs, build on what we are good at to generate our own income and make decisions in a transparent, open and inclusive way.

Like all public services, we face significant economic challenges in uncertain times, so it is imperative that land and property assets are used to support our Business Plan ambition for the District to be a place to grow. The proactive management of resources — including our land and property — is essential and this Corporate Asset Plan clearly sets out how this will be achieved.

Our Corporate Asset Plan

Of key importance is how the CAP assists our Economic Growth Strategy to realise economic development and regeneration opportunities, thereby creating wealth and place-shaping opportunities throughout the District.
Alongside other corporate plans and strategies, the Corporate Asset Plan (CAP) sets out 6 clear priorities to ensure that the Council acts as a responsible landlord, landowner and partner dedicated to ensuring public services are delivered efficiently and effectively. There is a commitment to develop and effectively manage the commercial estate, operational buildings and other property assets that exist for the benefit of the community and to work with our partners to exploit opportunities to share premises and reduce costs to the tax payer. This Plan provides the necessary framework for delivering effective asset and estate management.

As a responsible landlord we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of its estate and the Plan shows how we will be building on carbon-reduction investment opportunities to ensure our commercial premises and council buildings continue to meet stringent environmental legislation.

Overall our aim is to provide value for money services at the right time, from the right property, in the right location and this Plan and its associated action plan will ensure that we continue to focus on excellent service delivery to the District's residents, visitors and businesses in the District, contributing towards South Cambridgeshire becoming the place to grow.

Read our full Corporate Asset plan. [PDF, 2MB]


Our productivity plan

Our productivity plan sets out how we will save money, reduce waste, and transform service delivery. Its aim is to ensure we are providing value for money for our residents.