Pavement licences
A pavement licence is a licence granted by us which permits a business to use furniture placed on the highway/ pavement to sell or serve food or drink and/or allow it to be used by people for consumption of food or drink supplied from, or in connection with the use of the premises.
Where a pavement licence is granted, clear access routes on the highway will need to be maintained, taking into account the needs of all users, including disabled people.
Please read the full government guidance on pavement licences.
Who needs to apply
A business which uses (or proposes to use) premises for the sale of food or drink for consumption (on or off the premises) can apply for a licence. Businesses that are eligible include: public houses, cafes, bars, restaurants, snack bars, coffee shops and ice cream parlours.
Licence period
Site notice
On the day the application is made, please fix a temporary site notice of the application to the premises so that the notice is readily visible to, and can be read easily by, members of the public who are not on the premises. The notice must be constructed and secured so that it remains in place until the end of the public consultation period. Evidence of the site notice requirement must be supplied as part of your application.
Pavement licence temporary site notice- template [DOCX, 30Kb]
The following is required to be submitted with your online application:
- Public Liability insurance to cover requested activities/location
- A plan showing the location of the premises shown by a red line, so the application site can be clearly identified
- A plan clearly showing the proposed area covered by the licence in relation to the highway, if not to scale, with measurements clearly shown. The plan must show the positions and number of the proposed tables and chairs, together with any other items that they wish to place on the highway. The plan shall include clear measurements of, for example, pathway width/length, building width and any other fixed item in the proposed area
- Photo of area to be licenced
- Evidence of the right to occupy the premises (for example, the lease)
- Proof that you have registered with the Food Control unit
- Photos or brochures showing the proposed type of furniture
- The proposed days of the week on which, and the times of day between which, it is proposed to put furniture on the highway
- Photographic evidence that the notice of application is displayed at the area applied for
- Formal risk assessment as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Reference of existing pavement licence currently under consideration by the local authority (if applicable)
Apply online for a pavement licence