Zero Carbon Communities events
If you are planning to host an event this summer, help reduce the amount of waste it will produce by using our waste less event guide [PDF, 0.5MB], which provides resources and tips for events of all sizes.
Upcoming events
ZCC Green Connect: Sheddit! - building a mobile library of things. Date and time: To be confirmed.
Sheddit! Men's Shed gives a talk on their project to build a mobile library of things to serve Swavesey and the surrounding areas.
Funded through the fourth round of the Zero Carbon Communities project, Sheddit! Men's Shed's mobile library of things, will help to promote a culture of repair and reuse in the area, preventing items from going to waste. Sheddit! is also a wellbeing project, specifically aimed at men. They intend to create a safe space, where the men can come, hang-out and work on a variety of different projects. They aim to help with the shedding of loneliness and depression.
After the talk and a Q & A, participants will be placed in breakout rooms, where they will have the opportunity to share ideas and inspiration with those from other groups around the district.
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Past events
Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - June 2022
Leader of the Council, Cllr Bridget Smith, gave an engaging talk on the Council's ambitions to address the Climate and Ecological Emergencies in the coming years.
Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - May 2022
Members of community groups and parish councils around South Cambridgeshire came along to this talk to find out how to engage their communities with the climate emergency. Katie Williams from UKYCC and 2G3S gave a talk on research into why some people struggle to engage with the climate movement.
Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - April 2022
This event was aimed at helping groups wanting to cut down on the carbon emissions coming from their community buildings, whilst minimising your energy costs. David Knight from Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) gave an informative talk on measures that can be taken to make community buildings more energy efficient.
Climate and Environment Fortnight: 21 February to 7 March 2022
This annual series of events celebrated climate action taking place in the district, and looked at some of the things that the council is doing to mitigate and adapt to climate change in the future. Recordings of each event are available below.
Community Action in Response to the Climate Emergency
This event explored what to do after you've declared a Climate Emergency? Cambridge Carbon Footprint led this session for Parish Councils and community organisations on how to get community action going in your area.
Cycling for Sustainability
Led by local campaign group Camcycle, this session explored action taking place on cycling in the district, including campaigns such as School Streets.
Making your business greener
This case study-based webinar hosted by our Business Support Team featured a panel of speakers demonstrating ways businesses can operate more sustainably, reducing not only their carbon and waste but also being more efficient and saving money by embracing renewable energy.
Planning for the Climate Emergency
Want to know more about how the Council is planning for climate change? This session included information on how the Council is shaping planning policy to help cut carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate.
Installing Electric Vehicle Charge Points for workplaces and public use
Want to know more about installing Electric Vehicle Charging points? Find out more through our session for Parish Councils, local businesses and residents, which included information on funding options.
Post COVID-19 Community Support Workshop
This session was held by our Sustainable Communities Team and explored sustainability in the widest sense of the word, exploring community led planning and featuring a talk from HIHUB, Histon and Impington’s Community website and communication hub.
Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - January 2022
The January session of the Green Connect, "Food, Sustainability and Community in South Cambridgeshire", included a talk by Sam Dyer MBE on the local group Cambridge Sustainable Food. The breakout rooms included discussions on what communities had been doing and more they could do to support sustainable food.Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - December 2021
The second instalment of the Green Connect Events discussed "Forest Gardening, Tree Planting and Biodiversity in South Cambridgeshire". Hannah Thomas gave an inspiring talk about Babraham's Forest Garden project, which was followed by rigorous discussions around overcoming the challenges to tree planting and biodiversity in the area.Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - November 2021
We launched a new series of monthly networking events - Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - to bring South Cambridgeshire's residents and community groups together to discuss a different theme each month. To tie in with COP26, the theme of this first event was " COP26 - what it means for South Cambridgeshire", and featured a talk by Cllr Pippa Heylings, Chair of South Cambridgeshire District Council's Climate and Environment Advisory Committee and Councillor for Histon and Impington ward. She spoke from Glasgow at COP26 where she was part of a cross-party Climate Change Task Force set up by the Local Government Association. After inviting residents (including school children) to submit their climate change questions to us during October, we put these questions to two of our climate leaders during a Q and A session. They were answered by Councillor Pippa Heylings and Bode Esan, our Head of Climate, Environment & Waste. Many thanks to those people who submitted a question. You can see all of our questions and answers below.Zero Carbon Communities grant workshop - June 2021
We held a workshop on 7 June 2021 for any parish council or community group interested in applying for the Zero Carbon Communities grant. The hour long workshop includes a look at the grant in more detail, expert advice, a case study from a local community funded project and a Q&A session. You can also refer to the presentations [PPTX, 6MB].Climate and environment fortnight - February 2021
The week of Monday 22 February, we held a Climate and Environment Fortnight. This included a series of webinars to help people think about how to live more sustainably, reduce carbon emissions and in turn help tackle climate change.Request for events in schools and community groups
Did you know that we can help your school or community learn more about recycling and reducing waste? If you’d like to find out more about how we can help, please email or call Birgitta on 07525 213 774.