Grants for biodiversity projects

Parish councils of all sizes and community groups can apply for up to £2,000 for biodiversity projects through our Community Chest. £10,000 per year is earmarked specifically for biodiversity projects. Applications can be submitted at any time, and are considered at Grants Advisory Committee meetings, held most months.
Funding can be used for:
- the purchase and planting of native trees, hedgerows, wildflower meadows or other vegetation in appropriate and suitable locations and their ongoing maintenance;
- the construction and erection of bird and bat boxes in suitable locations;
- the creation or improvement of wildlife habitats (terrestrial or aquatic);
- the improvement of existing habitat
Applicants are encouraged to look at Natural Cambridgeshire’s Local Nature Recovery Toolkit which provides guidance, advice and support for Communities wanting to create local nature recovery plans.
To apply for funding for your biodiversity project, read the Community Chest guidance and apply online.
Funding of up to £15,000 is also available for tree-planting through the annual Zero Carbon Communities grant. To help ensure a good spread across the district of funded projects, parish councils are not eligible for funding for biodiversity projects from the Community Chest if they are already in receipt of a grant from the Zero Carbon Communities grant scheme.