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Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed forces Covenant logo

The Armed Forces Covenant is there to make sure that those who have served get fair access to services. We signed the Covenant in 2011.

The Covenant is there to help:

  • people currently serving in the Armed Forces (whether Regular or Reserve), and their families
  • veterans and their families
  • bereaved family members
  • cadet adult volunteers

Services include:

  • education
  • housing
  • health care
  • mental health care
  • jobs
  • welfare

Support for the Armed Forces Community

A staff forum meets every few months to identify and implement support for the armed forces community. The forum is comprised of volunteers, many of whom are current or former members of the Armed Forces, the Reserves or their family members. Our action plan is regularly updated to track progress against key objectives. 

Our Leave policy grants all military reservists two weeks paid leave in addition to their annual leave to attend reservist training that cannot be undertaken during work time. We have also created a toolkit with guidance about reservist training requirements, mobilisation and returning to work. This ensures all managers are fully aware of the commitments of staff who are members of the armed forces community.

Our Housing team asks clients if they served in the Armed Forces so we can fulfil our statutory duties and more accurately assess any mental wellbeing issues or other vulnerabilities related to their service. We signpost these clients to armed forces services such as the Royal British Legion, SSAFA etc when appropriate. Housing also seeks information on projects that house veterans and liaises with the Ex-Forces Champions based at all Jobcentres to ensure clients are receiving the best support available to them. 

Our Housing team oversees and manages the housing register and allocation of social rented housing across the district in partnership with five neighbouring councils. Our Lettings Policy supports the Armed Forces community by removing the local connection criteria applied to housing register applicants – they may not have the opportunity to settle in the area long enough to qualify. 

We provide Disabled Facilities Grants to the private sector to pay for home adaptations and offer grants which can pay for essential repairs. The grants are means tested and we work closely with Cambs Home Improvement Agency (CHIA) to administer them. With ex-service personnel, if the cost of works exceeds the grant limits, or a means tested contribution is required, we will approach charities such as the Royal British Legion and SSAFA to establish whether additional financial support is available. 

The Cambridgeshire Armed Forces Covenant Board

The Cambridgeshire Armed Forces Covenant Board supports building stronger community and military relationships. It also raises awareness of the Covenant and issues faced by the Armed Forces community.

Key contacts:

Find our more

  • Serving personnel and families should contact their Welfare Team and Families Federation for help as the first point of contact
  • Forces Connect App lists all the services open to Cambridgeshire residents.  Download the mobile app by searching ‘Forces Connect’ in the Apple app or Google Play store
  • The Veterans’ Gateway connects people to the groups that can best offer advice and support
  • The Royal British Legion or SSAFA offers welfare support to the Armed Forces community
  • The Veterans Mental Health Service is a self-referral service. It is for anyone dealing with mental health issues because of their service.