Armed Forces Covenant
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise between the nation, the government and the armed forces community. It works to ensure that people who serve in the armed forces are treated fairly and are not disadvantaged by their service.
The Covenant covers all regular and reserve personnel and their families, as well as bereaved families, veterans and cadet adult volunteers.
It promotes fair access to a wide range of services including education, housing, health and mental health, employment, and welfare.
South Cambridgeshire District Council signed the Covenant in 2011 along with the other Cambridgeshire local authorities.
The Cambridgeshire Armed Forces Covenant Board champions the Covenant locally, through strengthening relationships between communities and the military, as well as raising awareness of the Covenant and issues faced by the armed forces community.
Lead Elected Member: Councillor Jose Hales
Lead Officer: Charles Clay
Useful Information
- The Forces Connect App provides a full list of services available for people in Cambridgeshire. It is available for both Apple and Android devices.
- The Veterans’ Gateway can help connect people to the organisations that can best offer information, advice and support.
- Royal British Legion or SSAFA: The Armed Forces Charity can provide welfare support for the whole armed forces community.
- The Veterans Mental Health Service is a self-referral service for anyone suffering with mental health due to their service.
Serving personnel and families should contact their Welfare Team and Families Federations in the first instance.