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View and comment on planning applications

Validation timescales

You can view our validation timescales here.

How to comment

We've created a short video on how to comment on planning applications.

  1. Locate the planning application at Simple Search using a keyword, reference number, postcode or single line of an address.
  2. View the plans and supporting information submitted in the Documents screen.
  3. Make a comment through the comments screen. You will need to log in to submit a comment.
  4. Complete your comment and click Submit.

Please see Public Access User Guide for more information on using our online planning register.

What happens with your comment?

  1. All comments will be made available for public view with your address. Personal information, such as name, telephone number and email address, will be redacted. Please avoid including personal details in the body of your comment.
  2. All comments will be viewed and considered by the Case Officer.
  3. If the application is reported to Planning Committee you will be invited to speak.
  4. You will be informed when a decision is made.
  5. In the event of an appeal you will be notified, and your comment will be passed to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration.

What should I say?

We can only take into account comments on certain matters. These include:

  • Design, appearance, and materials
  • Loss of light or overshadowing
  • Parking, highway safety, traffic and public rights of way
  • Noise, fumes and smell
  • Effect on listed building and conservation area
  • Nature conservation

For more details on what we can and can’t take into consideration, please see our Material planning considerations.

Historic File request 

Request documents for historic planning applications

The modern planning system was established in 1948. From this date planning permission has been required from the Local Planning Authority for any development of land. 

There are no planning records before the year 1948. Everything built before this date is treated as an existing/original building for the purposes of planning. 

  • Applications for Cambridge City Council, between 1948 and 2004 are held in multiple historical data formats, like Microfiche. 
  • Applications for Cambridge City Council, from 2004 can be accessed through Our Public Access system. Please use the property search option.  
  • Applications for South Cambridgeshire District Council, between 1948 and 2001 are held on Microfiche. 
  • Applications for South Cambridgeshire District Council, from 2001 can be accessed through Our Public Access system. Please use the property search option. 

Please check our Public Access system as some historical data pre dating 2001, for South Cambridgeshire District Council and 2004 for Cambridge City Council can be found.

If you are unable to find the required documents, please complete our Historic File request form. An admin cost of £50 per application is applicable. 

To make a Historic file request, you will be required to make a South Cambs customer account, even if you are outside of the district. 

Why are you are required to make a My South Cambs account? 

Register for My South Cambs

Streamlined Application Process

By creating an account, you'll be able to navigate through the application process more efficiently. This ensures that we get all the necessary details in a structured way. 

Capture Essential Details

Registering an account allows us to gather all the crucial information we need to help with your enquiry. This includes contact information and specific file request information.  

Track Your Requests

With an account, you can easily track the status of your file requests, staying updated every step, see previous submissions, and stay updated on any pending actions