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Cottenham Village Design Statement SPD

Cottenham Village Design Statement SPD - adopted November 2007 [PDF, 3MB]

This SPD was adopted by us to provide guidance to support previously adopted Development Plan Documents that have now been superseded by the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018. This document is still a material consideration when making planning decisions, with the weight in decision making to be determined having regard to consistency with national planning guidance and the adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018.

What are SPDs?

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are intended to expand upon policy or provide further detail to policies in adopted Development Plan Documents (DPDs). When adopted, SPDs form part of the Local Development Framework but do not have development plan status and are not subject to independent examination.

What is the Cottenham Village Design Statement SPD?

The Cottenham Village Design Statement SPD [PDF, 3MB] was produced by the Cottenham Village Design Group and describes Cottenham at particular points in time and highlights the qualities valued by its residents. The document supports the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (DPD).

We adopted the original design statement in 1994 as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the 1993 Local Plan. Since that time both the village and planning legislation have evolved, and therefore the 1994 version has been thoroughly reviewed and brought up to date by the new SPD.

Adoption of the Cottenham Village Design Statement SPD

We and the Cottenham Village Design Group adopted the Cottenham Village Design Statement SPD on 14 November 2007.
The adopted SPD takes into account any representations received during the 6-week period of public consultation undertaken in July/August 2007.

Adoption Documents

If you would like a further explanation of this SPD, or any other matter relating to the Local Development Framework, please either e-mail the Planning Policy section on, or phone 01954 713 183.