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Support for Ukraine

The Flag of Ukraine flying outside South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne.

We warmly welcome Ukrainians who have found safety here. Our residents have provided homes for nearly 800 guests and we have a team of staff working to support both hosts and guests. Many local community groups have also been offering a wealth of support in the villages. We hope you will find the information you need on these pages.

Council translation and interpreting

На цій сторінці ви знайдете корисну інформацію, але якщо вам потрібна будь-яка підтримка, пишіть на мейл або телефонуйте 01954 713 070.

Щоб перекласти іншу інформацію на цій сторінці українською мовою, ви можете використати сайт Google Translate:

There is information on this page which should be useful, but if you need any support, you can email or call 01954 713 070.